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Kaslo - K&S Rail Trail

30 Km

Kaslo to Fish Lake Wagon Road Historic Trail.
This historic, multi-use Recreation Sites and Trails BC trail is maintained by the Kaslo to Sandon Rails to Trails Society. There are a number of key access locations and orientation points along Highway 31A. Once on the trail, there are kilometre markers and directional signage along the way.

It is possible to travel this route from Kaslo through to the summit of the Valley of the Ghosts at Fish Lake without travelling Highway 31A. Much of this trail follows the wagon road constructed between Kaslo and Three Forks in 1892 to access the rich silver mines of the Silvery Slocan. Other sections of the trail follow the route of the historic Kaslo and Slocan Railway.

The trail includes a pedestrian bridge, soda springs, Rossiter Creek and other points of interest. At the Fish Lake Rest Stop, there are restrooms, picnic facilities and fishing.  It is possible to continue all the way to Sandon if you like.

*This section of trail has not received regulatory clarity regarding trail users. We ask all users to be cautious and aware that users vary from highway vehicles, all-terrain vehicles to bicycles and hikers. Please respect other users and be cautious while utilizing this section of the trail.


Trail Features

This trail is accessible for everyone.
This trail is accessible by bike.
This trail has at least one bridge.
This trail is accessible by city transit.
Food & Drink
This trail has food & drink options.
This trail is accessible by hiking.
Trail is a loop
May Have Motorized Vehicles
Free parking at the trailhead.
Pet Friendly
This trail is pet friendly.
This trail has a restroom for public use.
This trail has water fountains.
This trail has wifi access points.

Trail Difficulty

1 out of 5 Trail Condition good. Updated surfaces with light grade. Family Friendly.
2 out of 5 Trail Condition good with light grade. May encounter rough trail surfaces and vehicles. Be prepared with proper trail essentials.
3 out of 5 Trail Conditions can vary from good to needing improvement. May encounter fairly rough trail sections, Sand, Rock, Potholes, debris and may encounter vehicles. Can have long sections without any amenities. For the more adventurous user. Be prepared with proper trail essentials.
4 out of 5 Trail Conditions can vary from good to poor. Will encounter rough sections along the way, steeper grades at parts and will most likely encounter vehicles. For adventurous users. Will have long sections without any amenities. Be prepared with proper trail essentials.
Very Difficult
5 out of 5 Trail conditions will vary and you will encounter poor conditons with rough sections, potholes, and steeper grades. You will encounter motor vehicles and long stretches of trail without amenities. This is a long section of trail requiring multiple days. Be prepared with proper trail essentials.

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